Remanufactured Parts List

Selecting the category/type or searching opens an interface that shows the list of remanufactured parts:

Fig. 62 Remanufactured parts list


The list is filtered by the currently active filter.


Clicking the “REMAN”, “PRICE” and “SCRAP” column headings allows you to vary the order of the results.

Fig. 63 Sorting


Hovering the mouse pointer on the  icon (when present) displays a preview of the remanufactured product image for the corresponding row:

Fig. 64 Image preview



Clicking the  icon opens an interface showing the possibility of applying the new codes associated to the remanufactured product:


Fig. 65 Applicability


Hovering the mouse pointer on the  icon displays the validity pattern and any modifications made:

Fig. 66 Validity pattern


Clicking the icon adds the remanufactured code in the corresponding row to the trolley.

Clicking a row in the list opens the corresponding remanufactured part detail interface.

Clicking a new code or scrap opens a pop-up with the details of the product.