Cross reference new/reman/scrap products

This page makes it possible to display cross references between new, remanufactured and "scrap" products.


It is possible to perform a search by family or by code for any of these three types of products:



Fig. 36: Cross reference new / reconditioned / scrap products


To search for cross references of a “new” product:


»      In the first line, ("Original product" field) select a family or enter the code of the new part.


»      Optionally, specify other parameters, such as: Brand and Catalogue. These parameters are used to refine the search.


»      Click the "Search" button to the right of the field. See how to interpret the result of the search later on.


To search for cross references of a “reman” product:


»      In the second line, ("Remanufactured product" field) select a family or enter the code of the reman part.


»      Optionally, specify other parameters, such as: Brand and Catalogue. These parameters are used to refine the search.


»      Click the "Search" button to the right of the field. See how to interpret the result of the search later on.


To search for the cross references of a "scrap" product:


»      In the third line, ("Scrap product" field) select a family or enter the code of the scrap part.


»      Optionally, specify other parameters, such as: Brand and Catalogue. These parameters are used to limit the search


»      Click the "Search" button to the right of the field. See how to interpret the result of the search later on.




Search results


Independently of the type of search, the system displays a list of cross references, part details, price list and part usages (catalogues only) of the searched product:


Fig. 37: Cross reference new / reconditioned / scrap products: results of the search



If the list is very long the first page of the results will be shown.  Click on the special page selectors to access later pages.  


By clicking on a product code it is possible to open the page ”Search by product code” of the part.


Note: when searching for a "scrap" part, the price refers to the corresponding “new” product.