Search by VIN / "Browse by vehicle data" page

Search by VIN


It is possible to browse the catalogue for a specific VIN by inserting the 17 characters vehicle code in the VIN box and then clicking the  button:

Fig. 11: Search by VIN



If the VIN is present in the database, ePER shows a popup window containing main vehicle data like MVS/SINCOM, model description, engine number, vehicle number and production date:


Fig. 12: Example of vehicle identified by VIN



The popup window has the following buttons:


Info: shows the complete list of all known vehicle features.

Next: starts the navigation: ePER will show parts and products compatible with the selected vehicle.


The main vehicle features are displayed at the top in the "Active filters" section. The complete list of features is available by clicking on the , (len) icon in the “Active Filters” section.


Access to the "Browse by vehicle data" window


The "Browse by vehicle data" page can be used as an alternative to the “search by VIN” function. The "Browse by vehicle data" page allows for the selection of a specific Catalogue and MVS or SINCOM code.

For more information about this function please look at the  specific manual section.