Fig. 98: First entry lists
Click on a make to activate/deactivate it.
Select the makes concerned and service level required and click on the “Search” button.
Fig. 99: Make selection
Click on
the cart icon to open the
following window:
Fig. 100: Add to cart
quantity can be changed in this window. Click on the icon to add the selected number of tools to
your shopping cart.
Click on the line of a tool in the list to open a window containing details of the tool:
Fig. 101: Tool details
Click on “X” or “Ok” to close the window.
You can change the number of tools included in the list. Click on “Update page” to refresh the list total.
Click on the “Export” button to the left to export the list in a format compatible with Microsoft Excel (CSV).
By inserting a sincom and clicking on the “Export” button to the right, you can export the results in a special text format requested by Fiat.