Tool specifications

This page shows details on the selected tool.


Fig. 87: Tool specifications


The page is divided into three parts:


Tool properties

This part summarises the selected tool.


Fig. 88: Tool properties


Click on “Add to cart” to open the window for adding the tool to the shopping cart.



Tool pictures


The lower part of the tool specifications page shows a preview of the available pictures of the selected tool.


Fig. 89: Tool picture


Click on the picture to enlarge it.



Fig. 90: Enlarged tool picture 


Click on “X” at the top right to close the enlarged picture.




Fig. 91: Applicability


This page contains a list of the tool applicability, that is the vehicles for wich it can be used.

You can click on the  icon in the header of each column to filter the list. The following window where the required selection will appear:

Fig. 92: List filter


Click on the  button to apply the filter.

The active filters appear underneath the page area:


Fig. 93: Active filters


Click on the  icon by the side of the filter to deactivate it.


The filter by operation and by kit options are text-based: enter part of the code or of the description to filter the list.